Does protein powder affect sperm?

Does protein powder affect sperm?

The way protein powder supplements affect male reproduction has not been investigated thoroughly yet, however some studies suggest that sperm count does not get affected in a negative nor a positive way by protein powder supplements.

Does protein powder affect reproduction?

In 2019, a study consisting of 48 male mice that were fed whey protein for 3 months was conducted. After the period, the mice that consumed the protein showed no change in sperm count nor any other reproductive parameters that were assessed during the study, relative to mice that did not consume any protein powder whatsoever.

The study concluded that protein powder does not affect the male reproductive system of mammals. Therefore, if you’re a man, you should feel free to drink your favorite shake to nurture muscle growth and cell repair.

Does protein powder affect testosterone levels?

Through the early years of bodybuilding, false rumors were spread that protein decreased testosterone levels. Nowadays, however, those fears have been refuted by science. In fact, whenever you get a more intense workout in, testosterone levels increase naturally.

Another study with mice involved feeding mice protein and leucine alone on two separate occasions. It showed that protein can be considered pro-anabolic and facilitates testosterone circulation in the blood of mammals.

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The mice that were fed protein powder instead of leucine alone increased the testosterone levels in their cells by 150 percent, compared to the other group of mice. Both blood and muscle samples were tested to confirm this hypothesis.

If protein does not affect sperm, what does?

Lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet and exercise promote protein sperm count. If you are smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and taking drugs, your sperm count might drop dramatically pretty fast. Moreover, obesity and psychological stress as well as increased caffeine intake can negatively affect sperm count.  

Depression can also be a major factor, as well as anxiety and other mental issues. Being healthy and exercising, while following a balanced diet and getting enough sleep will surely increase both testosterone levels and sperm count, resulting in much higher fertility levels in a male individual.

More questions about protein and sex

Does protein powder affect your sex life?

Whey protein does not decrease your libido, nor testosterone levels and does not cause any sexual problems. In fact, it’s more the opposite – if you are not consuming enough protein to reach the minimum recommended daily target, you might experience reproduction issues or have decreased energy.

Does lifting weights increase sperm count and testosterone?

Exercise in general, as well as a healthy lifestyle, promotes higher testosterone levels which leads to an increased sperm count. Our bodies need testosterone to build muscle and after stressing them with exercise they need to produce more testosterone and human-growth-hormone in order to keep up.

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What foods can help you increase sperm count?

There are a variety of foods that can boost your sperm count, according to research, including oysters and pumpkin seeds, since they are high in zinc. Oranges, most vegetables, salmon, brazil nuts and a lot of water also have positive effects on sperm count. In addition, you should stay hydrated because for your body to produce larger amounts of a liquid, it needs more liquids to be consumed.

Does protein powder affect sperm?


We all need protein to increases muscle mass and strength. We all need muscles. I have always found molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics interesting, and I really want to understand how nutrients affect us.

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