Best protein powder for elderly & seniors

best protein powder for elderly & seniors

As people age, their hormone levels and testosterone decrease over time. In order to maintain healthy bodily functions and keep ourselves in shape, we need to consume clean natural products and enough protein each day. The most suitable protein powders for seniors are whey protein isolates derived from clean ingredients, as well as collagen-rich protein powders.

The most suitable protein powders for elderly people

Protein intake is more important for the elderly than most think. So here are the best powder for seniors:

Transparent Labs Grass- Fed whey protein powder

Review: Older people need biologically and chemically clean products. This protein powder easily tops the list in this regard. Their protein powder’s label and table of contents is completely transparent. The 28 grams of protein per scoop is more than enough to fuel senior consumer’s strength and to prevent common injuries caused by decreased bone health.


  • Contains a good amount of protein – 28 grams per serving.
  • Does not contain any added sugar, sweeteners or colors.
  • Contains a low amount of carbs and fats.
  • Derived from grass-fed cow’s milk.
  • Almost no cholesterol – makes it perfect for older people.


  • Does not offer an unflavored purchasing option.

Dymatize Elite whey protein powder

Review: Dymatize’s Elite whey protein powder has a clean formula which can fit perfectly into strict diets of older people who are on medication or other supplements. It contains 25 grams of protein, 2.7 grams of L-leucine and 5.5 grams of BCAAs. It is available in more than 10 flavors and can be blended or mixed in a shaker. It’s not too sweet and with the half doses a senior would need, the container could easily last for at least two months.


  • Keto-friendly protein powder.
  • Can be consumed at any time of the day.
  • Is not spiked with unnecessary amino acids that older people would not make use of.
  • Increases recovery time.


  • Does not mix as well as other products on the list.
  • Might contain some traces of soy lecithin.

Woldo Health’s Collagen beef protein powder

Review: Woldo Health offers a clean product that’s rich in collagen and derived from beef. It contains only 9 grams of protein per dose which means it is perfect for elderly people, as they won’t need to split the portion in two like they normally would.

It does not contain any sugar, additives, or sweeteners. Many people suggest adding it to coffee, tea, soups, yoghurt, or muesli. The collagen greatly aids the recovery of joints, tendons and bones, which is perfect for older people.


  • One of the highest in collagen protein powders.
  • Free of soy and sweeteners.
  • Certified for pasture in Halal and South  America.
  • A high amount of collagen per serving.
  • Very easy to dissolve in water and other liquids.


  • Comes only in unflavored taste.
  • Does not contain any minerals or vitamins whatsoever.

Opportuniteas Grass-Fed Whey isolate

Review: When talking about elderly people and protein powder, grass-fed whey protein powders top the list. Opportuniteas’ product makes no compromise in terms of protein purity. It is a healthy choice with no added preservatives. Moreover, it contains a low amount of cholesterol and mixes very easily without the help of a blender.

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Many reviews from older consumers state that this protein powder has helped them lose weight more than other supplements.


  • Contains 27 grams of protein per scoop.
  • Is very low in cholesterol, fats and carbs – almost 0 grams of sugar.
  • Mixes very easily with water and milk.
  • Great for cooking baked goods.


  • Does not come in flavored options. Comes only in unflavored, which might not taste great but is good for cooking or mixing with milk or juice.

Isopure’s Zero Carb protein powder

Review: Not only does Isopure’s protein powder contain 25 grams of protein and a wide range of flavors, it is also packed with added minerals and vitamins which are essential to maintaining good health for seniors.

Vitamin B12 and calcium are also included in this deal of a protein powder. It is specifically designed to increase the strength and density of your bones and muscles. The effects of Isopure’s protein powder have been backed by clinical studies.


  • Contains 25 grams of protein powder per scoop.
  • Is very rich in terms of minerals and vitamins.
  • Does not contain carbohydrates, which if consumed in excess might cause obesity in older, less active people.
  • Comes in many flavors.


  • Not very easy to mix and might require the use of a blender.

Ladder Whey protein powder

Review: The cells of older people are in greater need of repair as body parts are more fragile. Ladder’s whey protein powder is specifically designed to aid recovery and to ease muscle cramps and pain. It contains the optimal amount of essential amino acids that our bodies need. Aside from that, there are added branch-chain amino acids that nurture muscle growth and recovery even further.


  • Contains only natural ingredients, no chemicals and no artificial sweeteners.
  • Vitamins, minerals and probiotics are included.
  • Is NSF certified.
  • Free of soy products.
  • A mixture of whey protein isolate and milk isolate to keep you full after consumption.


  • Contains a bit more sugar than other products on the list.
  • 6 grams of carbs.

Vital Proteins Original Collagen Peptides Protein powder

Review: Vital Proteins’s product, like most powders on the list, is derived from the milk of grass-fed cows. Aside from the 20 grams of protein, it comes with a combination of Bovine hide collagen peptides which are great for your tendons, skin, hair, and bones. It also eases joint pain, which is an often complaint of elderly people.


  • Non-GMO approved.
  • Paleo friendly and Whole30 Approved.
  • Does not contain any added sugars, sweeteners and preservatives.
  • Cholesterol, gluten, dairy and heavy metals free.


  • Comes only in flavorless taste.
  • Only 20 grams of protein per serving.
older people need protein in order to recover from their day to day activities

Everything senior citizens need to know before purchasing a protein powder

Protein powders are suitable for all ages and sizes if consumed with caution and a clear intention to supplement your diet instead of replacing meals. Not only do protein shakes increase strength in the elderly, but they also help nurture bone and tendon resilience.

On the other hand, too much protein in a diet can cause damage to the digestive system, metabolic balance and even the heart. With that in mind, senior citizens should be advised to consult with a licensed medical practitioner before engaging in the consumption of any supplements.

The reason for that is that some protein powders contain more protein per serving than an elderly person’s body can absorb, which might lead to digestion issues. Every supplement should be taken with caution and only when necessary.

Why do older people need protein?

Older people need protein in order to recover from their day-to-day activities. For youngsters, taking a stroll in the park might not seem like a lot of effort, whereas senior citizens need longer recovery times. Good protein powders aid that and quicken the process, allowing them to go for a walk the very next day without feeling tired.

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Many protein powders also contain collagen, healthy carbs, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and essential and branch-chain amino acids, which are also of great importance to the bodies of elderly people.

Senior citizens, despite not being as active as their younger counterparts, are in the greatest danger of injury. Therefore, they should take the necessary precautions to avoid pain and problems for their bodies.

Protein and amino acids increase the bone, tendon and muscle strength, as well as the recovery time. By consuming more protein, elderly people can make themselves less prone to injury.

When an elderly person (or any person actually) lacks sufficient protein, his metabolism will consume muscle mass, and he’ll lose bone strength.

The elderly are prone to lose more muscle mass with deficient protein intake.

This is why protein supplements are extra important for old people.

What is the best type of protein powder for senior citizens?

The most important thing older people should focus on when purchasing a protein powder is a clean product. With age, the stomach of an older individual becomes more and more sensitive to sugar, as well as added sweeteners and preservatives. Try avoiding products that have a high carbohydrate-to-protein ratio. Moreover, lactose intolerance is a thing older people should be aware of.

Whey protein isolates remove the majority of the lactose found in whey protein. Avoid purchasing whey protein concentrates as they contain a large portion of lactose per serving which could greatly bloat an older person’s stomach and might cause digestive issues. Beef protein or collagen-rich protein powders are also a good choice.

The benefits of protein shakes for older people

Contrary to popular belief, protein powder’s function is far from only building muscle. If consumed in moderation and in a healthy way, protein powder reduces blood sugar levels as well as increases insulin sensitivity.

Moreover, as mentioned above, it aids older people’s recovery time and prevents injuries and internal illnesses. Rested muscles equal less risk.

Aside from that, amino acids’ function in the body is not limited to building muscle and aiding exercise. Some amino acids prevent psychological diseases, insomnia, amnesia and dementia, which many older people suffer from.

Another benefit of increasing your protein consumption as an older individual is the increased energy levels protein powders give. Additionally, protein shakes can be a good tool for weight management.

How should older people use protein powder?

Older people need less protein than active adults and growing teenagers. And despite only needing between 40 and 70 grams depending on their active status, they often find difficulties in reaching the recommended daily dose.

Studies show that our bodies find it hard to digest quantities of protein larger than 30 grams. Just like with the capabilities of other bodily functions, the ability of the body to digest also decreases in terms of efficiency as we age. This means older individuals find it even harder to digest protein.

So, consuming more than 20-25 grams of protein per meal is not recommended for senior citizens. Therefore, they should avoid consuming whole shakes in combination with other foods.

Something they can do is use half a scoop two times a day and make half a shake instead of a whole one. This way their body has more time to digest the protein and is filled with energy throughout the entire day.

Do old people really need protein powder?

Dietary supplements play a key role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you are a young person with a fast metabolic rate, who is also aiming to bulk up, it is extremely easy to get all of the needed vitamins, minerals and macro nutrients because you do not care about cholesterol levels and calories as much.

With age, these things change and people need to watch over their blood sugar levels, cholesterol and many other deficiencies. This leads to a general decrease in the consumption of foods, meaning less minerals and vitamins.

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Supplements are often isolated products that do not contain anything else than you need. Generally speaking, 4 whole eggs can do the same as a protein shake would, but they contain 4 times the cholesterol. If the person has the time and energy to cook and strictly follow a diet, then supplementing it with protein powder would be unnecessary.

On the other hand, it is extremely convenient to drink half a protein shake when you feel like you haven’t consumed enough protein for the day. It is a much smarter alternative to boiling, peeling eggs and removing the yolks in order to consume only the whites.

Regardless of age, a healthy human being, depending on diet and activity, should consume anywhere between 10 % and 30 % of their calories from protein sources.

One gram of protein gives 4 calories which means if you are consuming 2000 calories per day on average, you should get at least 50 grams of protein at the very minimum and no more than the maximum of 150 grams.

If you are finding it hard to reach the minimum with your current diet, make sure to change some of it and try to replace carbs, sugars, or saturated fats with protein-rich snacks. If that still seems like a hard task, consider purchasing a protein powder that can be either implemented in cooking baked goods, salads and soups. Another option is to go for a flavored protein powder which can be consumed on its own as a protein shake or in a smoothie.

Egg protein is a good option: Take a look at the best egg protein powders on the market.

How can older people increase protein consumption without protein shakes?

Depending on their habits, old people should implement small adjustments to their diets step by step. For example, if they enjoy cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, they should try to partially replace more and more of the breakfast with sunflower, pumpkin, hemp or flax seeds. All of these contain healthy minerals, vitamins, healthy fats and protein.

If they usually eat a different breakfast, they should be advised to incorporate egg whites or Greek yogurt, both of which are extremely high in protein content and very healthy.

Nuts and nut butters like peanuts, cashews or almonds can be added to snacks and sandwiches as well. Try replacing white bread with wholegrain bread, which is a great source of what the body needs. Avoid all butters with added sugars and consume fats in moderation.

To add a little extra protein to salads, you can add cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, boiled egg whites, sprouts and lettuce, which are also great protein-rich options to supplement your average salad.

All beans and lentils are a good source of protein. Chickpeas and quinoa can also be added to a wide variety of recipes. Older people should eat less meat in general due to the danger of raising their cholesterol levels, but that does not mean ruling it out completely. Enjoying a lean beef steak or lean chicken breasts can be made a part of a weekly ritual.

A high protein diet might also be a good idea: As a senior, more protein though eggs and/or protein through meat like chicken and fish might be a good idea. Focus on the highest quality protein through real food. That will for sure have health benefits for any older person.

FAQs about elderly protein needs

How much protein does a 70- to 80-year-old person need?

The recommended dietary allowance for a 70-year-old is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight, or per 2.2 lbs. This means a 60-kilogram senior citizen should consume 48 grams of protein per day in order to keep their skin, hair, muscles, tendons and joints healthy.

What high-protein foods are good protein sources for elderly people?

Senior citizens should focus on consuming their protein from lean protein sources. They should avoid foods high in cholesterol and saturated trans fats. Egg whites, chicken breasts, fish, peanut butter and oats can all be consumed in moderate quantities.

Is peanut butter really okay to eat for elderly people?

Peanut butters that contain little to no sugar or added sweeteners are perfectly safe to consume for older people, as long as they keep the quantity to 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. Recent studies also show that the vitamin E, which is found in peanut butter, aids older people to battle diseases like Alzheimer’s with up to 70 % efficiency.

What vitamins and minerals are the most needed for elderly people to consume?

Aside from protein and amino acids, the most important vitamins and minerals that senior citizens need are calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, potassium and fiber. All of these serve major functions in our bodies such as improving bone strength, muscle and tissue repair, immune system maintenance and other important aspects like mental wellbeing.


We all need protein to increases muscle mass and strength. We all need muscles. I have always found molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics interesting, and I really want to understand how nutrients affect us.

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