Asking the question of if amino acid better than whey protein is similar to asking if a thread is better than a sweater. Just as a sweater is made of thread, protein is nothing more than a long strand of amino acids!
20 different protogenic amino acids exist in long strands of different combinations. Strands of 2-50 are known as peptides, while chains longer than 50 are known as polypeptides. One or more strands of polypeptides are known as protein. Therefore, the term “protein” is really just another way of saying a very long strand of amino acids.
So, amino acid can’t be better than why protein because whey protein is amino acids!
- This is the healthiest whey protein
- Are you asking if you really need protein powder – read this.
- This is the best way to drink whey protein
Table of Contents
What are EAAs and BCAAs?
That being said, often, when people ask if amino acids are better than protein, they are usually referring to either EAA (essential amino acids) or BCAA (branch chained amino acids). As mentioned, there are 20 amino acids in total.
Nine of these amino acids are termed “essential” because our bodies cannot synthesize them within the body, and they must be consumed through our diet. These are also referred to as EAAs.
Three of these essential amino acids vary in their structure are known as “branch chained amino acids” or BCAAs. BCAAs are the most important amino acids involved in muscle protein synthesis. Still, it has also been found that all 9 EAAs are needed to fully optimize muscle protein synthesis.
Now that you understand what amino acids and protein are, we can answer the original question.
Are EAAs and BCAAs better than protein?
Amino acids are not better than whey protein, but the use of EAAs can be beneficial during times of fasted training. There may also be a benefit of taking EAAs post-exercise as they are absorbed faster. However, if your protein intake is already sufficient, there is little evidence that can be used to promote EAAs or BCAAs over protein powder.
Amino acid benefits
One benefit that amino acids do have is that they generally taste “fruity” and can be easily mixed with water and used during a training session. This can aid in helping encourage hydration while at the same time providing amino acids to your muscles during training. This method can prove to be beneficial for some athletes.
As you can see, whey protein, amino acids, EAA, and BCAA are intricately related to one another, so they are not easily separated. There is no clear benefit of taking amino acids over whey protein (assuming your total protein content is sufficient). Still, EAA can prove to have some advantages in certain instances, and they won’t produce any adverse side effects.
FAQs about protein and amino acids
How much protein should I consume daily?
The recommended daily amount of protein the average person should consume is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. However, those involved in athletics, fitness, or weight training should consume 1.4-2.0 grams per kilogram to help their bodies repair and recover.
How do I take amino acids?
Amino acids usually have a “fruity” flavor and mix very well. They taste great even with just using water. Another method used is to put amino acids into a sports drink to have some carbs and electrolytes as well.
Do I add amino acids to total protein intake?
No. Although you are technically eating amino acids, it gets more complicated than it’s worth trying to calculate amino acid intake in terms of protein intake. Protein intake is not an exact science. You should only use amino acids minimally, so they won’t affect your total protein intake that much.

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Which Is the Best Protein For You?
If you’re considering taking up a whey diet or doing some intense workouts on a protein-based diet, you may wonder which is the best source of protein. Some people will tell you it’s the whey, while others will tell you that it’s the case of your genetics.
While it may be difficult to make an exact comparison due to the fact that the protein in both cases is important for building muscle, there are a few things you can do to ensure your body receives the correct balance of amino acids from both types of food. It is important that the protein in your diet is from an all natural source as this will ensure your body doesn’t have any side effects of harmful synthetic chemicals in it.
The difference between whey protein vs. amino acid vs. casein protein comes down to what percentage of protein is actually made up of amino acids.
Casein proteins have been proven by numerous studies to not provide the amount of protein needed for muscle growth. Most people don’t understand that the majority of proteins in your diet are made up of amino acids and because whey protein has had its share of recent bad press.
Absorption of protein into your body
This is because it has been shown to interfere with the absorption of protein into your system. Because casein protein is much slower to metabolize, it means your body won’t absorb as much protein as it could.
It also means that your body doesn’t have as much energy after a workout. So even though you may have received the same amount of protein from whey protein you may not have been able to use the extra protein for muscle growth.
Now when it comes to the choice between whey vs. casein protein, you have to decide which is best for your particular body chemistry. If you are someone who works out several times a week and are still getting no results, then the answer would probably be whey protein.
But if you are someone who has a very high protein intake during the day and you are not gaining any muscle then the answer may be casein protein. You can choose to consume whichever type of protein you like and still be successful. Just be sure to take in enough protein at each meal for your body to grow new muscle cells. Take your time with the protein in your diet and you’ll have a great chance to grow bigger and stronger muscles.