Is eating protein at night good?

Is eating protein at night good?

Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, regarded as the foremost expert in muscle hypertrophy, recommends eating some protein every 3-4 hours. This is done in an attempt to maintain elevated muscle protein synthesis. The basic line of thought behind eating protein before we go to bed is this: “If we try to keep muscle protein synthesis elevated during the day, why ignore nighttime when we sleep for 6-8 hours?”

Increased Muscle Protein Synthesis. 

This idea has caused many sports nutrition scientists to investigate the effects of pre-sleep protein.

As mentioned, one of the main areas of interest has been in increasing muscle protein synthesis. Increased muscle protein synthesis brought on by pre-sleep protein consumption has improved muscle repair and response from resistance training. Most studies that examine this phenomenon consume higher amounts of 30-40 grams of protein. 

Instead of allowing an extended amount of time to pass without consuming protein, taking protein before we go to bed can take advantage of this lost time. By taking protein 30 minutes before we sleep, our body can continue muscle repair in an elevated state.

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You literally get to improve while you sleep!

Increased morning metabolism

One interesting effect of pre-sleep protein is that it can cause an increased resting metabolic rate. Eating late at night has caused many to become worried about potential weight gain.

Studies have shown that this is not a factor, and in fact, some have shown that resting metabolic rate is higher in the morning. Furthermore, other studies have found the potential for greater appetite suppression.

One more benefit

There is one extra little benefit to eating protein before bed. If you are having trouble getting in your overall protein content, making a pre-bedtime protein shake part of your ritual can be a great and efficient way to increase your protein content. Your average protein powder shake will have 22-25 grams of protein per scoop.

Add protein to your pre-bedtime routine

Pre-sleep protein is a great practice to put into your regime. Many are worried about the unwanted side effects with eating late, mainly weight gain, but it isn’t proven to occur. Further, you can actually benefit from it with greater recovery and possibly aide in weight loss. Give it a shot and see if it works for you.

FAQs about protein at night

Should I put protein in a meal before I sleep?

You are best just drinking a basic protein shake. We are attempting to eat protein, not unnecessary calories.

Does it matter what type of protein?

The best choice is going to be a casein protein. Casein, like whey, is derived from milk. The difference is that casein is a slow-digesting protein meaning that it will stay in your system longer. This is what you want, as you will be asleep for at least 6 hours (at least we hope you are!)

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What about vegan proteins?

If you drink vegan protein, then continue with it. However, there are very few slow-digesting vegan proteins and even fewer high-quality, slow-digesting proteins. So, you won’t be able to get the same effect but, theoretically, something is better than nothing.

How much protein do I need?

The RDA for daily protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight.  However, if you are involved in athletics or training, you will need more to support repair and recovery.  You should aim for 1.4-2.0 grams per kilogram. 

Is eating protein at night good?

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What Is The Best Way To Eat Protein At Night?

Eating protein on a regular basis is important because it helps keep you in good shape. However, as a fitness buff you will know that many people get so caught up with being healthy that they stop their diet completely.

It can be really difficult to go on and work out when there are so many meal times to remember. However, there are many different ways to incorporate protein into your diet so that you can continue to gain weight and improve your muscle mass. It’s also important to note that you don’t need to eat more than twice a day. Many experts recommend consuming about 2.2g of protein in one serving.

Eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts, and beans have lots of protein

Protein can be found in a variety of sources including eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts, and beans. Some of the more popular forms of protein include whey, soy, and rice protein isolate. You can easily find these at health food stores or online. When eating protein on a regular basis, you can ensure that you are getting the right kind of nutrients. If you are struggling to gain muscle mass or are looking for ways to improve your diet, then you might want to consider incorporating protein into your daily routine.

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We all need protein to increases muscle mass and strength. We all need muscles. I have always found molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics interesting, and I really want to understand how nutrients affect us.

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