When talking about prenatal protein powders for pregnant women, safety and contents are the most important things to look for. You shouldn’t take the words “eating for two” literally, but you...
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Protein pancake mix is a great way to squeeze in a few extra calories, but is it really healthy? Of course, that depends on the protein pancake mix you pick. 489
The benefits of consuming protein to grow muscle fast are well known to most people. But are you consuming enough protein, and how can you know? 485
If you are not a fan of eating meat, eggs or dairy products, and are tired of drinking protein shakes, there are some recipes you might consider adding protein powder to. In most recipes, protein...
Baked goods can be a delight to our senses. Unfortunately, however, they often lack the protein we need, and instead are full of carbs. Is there a way to shift the balance in the macronutrients of...
What happens if you lift weights but don’t eat enough protein?
If you are lifting weight but not consuming enough protein your body will gain less muscle than otherwise possible. You would be losing out on a big amount of muscle that you could have gained if...